When it comes to Fertility and IVF- Doing More Isn't Always Better

One of the biggest challenges I see with the people I work with is fear. Fear of not doing enough and fear of not getting things “right” so that they can get pregnant. Many patients think that taking more supplements, cutting out food groups, taking on a structured/specific exercise regime and trying every fertility tip out there is what they need to do try and make sure they’re doing enough to try and help them get pregnant.

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The Broken System of IVF

I got a call from the embryologist in the lab telling me that neither embryo had survived the thaw. They’d both died and we had no embryos left to transfer. The cycle was cancelled.

I remember the gut wrenching pain, the tears, the disbelief that followed. Even the dress I wore that day became a painful memory of that moment.

So when I say I can understand the pain of an IVF cycle that didn’t work. I really mean it.

But this experience has also given me a deep understanding of the many reasons why IVF cycles can fail because over the next 10 years after that it’s driven my desire to continue to learn more- to help you!

Through my work as a Fertility Naturopath, I have helped countless individuals navigate the emotional and physical challenges of IVF, and I have seen firsthand the many factors that can impact IVF success. From hormonal imbalances, male factors, immune challenges and endometrial issues to environmental toxins and nutritional deficiencies, there are a wide range of factors that can play a role in IVF outcomes.

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Why IVF Fails

I got a call from the embryologist in the lab telling me that neither embryo had survived the thaw. They’d both died and we had no embryos left to transfer. The cycle was cancelled.

I remember the gut wrenching pain, the tears, the disbelief that followed. Even the dress I wore that day became a painful memory of that moment.

So when I say I can understand the pain of an IVF cycle that didn’t work. I really mean it.

But this experience has also given me a deep understanding of the many reasons why IVF cycles can fail because over the next 10 years after that it’s driven my desire to continue to learn more- to help you!

Through my work as a Fertility Naturopath, I have helped countless individuals navigate the emotional and physical challenges of IVF, and I have seen firsthand the many factors that can impact IVF success. From hormonal imbalances, male factors, immune challenges and endometrial issues to environmental toxins and nutritional deficiencies, there are a wide range of factors that can play a role in IVF outcomes.

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What You Need To Know Before You Start IVF

When IVF gets mentioned for the first time, it can initially seem like an intimidating and daunting process. With fears of needles, medications the cost, the invasive procedures and the unknown, it’s no wonder lots of people feel overwhelmed and a bit scared when they think about it. And, if you’ve already been through multiple cycles that haven’t created a pregnancy then the thought of going into it again can feel helpless, uncertain and sometimes pointless.

But, it doesn’t have to be that way.

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AMH Myths That You Need To Know

Being told you have low AMH or a low ovarian reserve can make you feel completely helpless. Or even worse being told that the embryos didn't develop because of your AMH/egg quality can make you feel like a complete failure.

What I often see happen is that women are told their AMH level like it’s the test result that holds all the answers and that’s simply not true. So, let’s debunk 10 myths that you must know about AMH if you’re trying to conceive, naturally or with IVF and learn about ways you can try to improve your AMH through lifestyle and naturopathy.

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The 2 Week Wait

The 2 Week Wait is one of the most intense times for someone trying to conceive.
I remember exactly what the 2 Week Wait is like from my own IVF cycle and I’ve been supporting women through it for the last 14 years.
I want to open your mind to the possibility of a 2 week wait where you feel educated about and involved in helping yourself and implantation as well as to feel calm- what if your 2 week wait was actually enjoyable?

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Choosing Your Care Provider During Pregnancy

1 in 3 mothers describe their birth as traumatic. And while birth trauma can definitely happen if a mum fears for the health of her or her baby, birth trauma can also happen when a woman feels a loss of control, when she feels unheard or if she doesn’t feel respected. This figure is definitely too high and I only bring it into your awareness to highlight how, without choosing the pregnancy care model/team that is the best fit for you, it’s very easy to end up feeling like it was a negative experience.

I truly believe, I know it because I’ve seen it, how with the right care team- no matter which turns and twists pregnancy and birth take that the way you feel about the overall experience can be very largely influenced by the team of people that had around you at that time.

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Vitamin D and Your Fertility

Vitamin D is essential have to checked during the window when you are trying to conceive- not just because it has health implications when it’s low but because it’s an important factor in the immne system- which plays an important role in implantation when you’re tying to conceive. Vitamin D also acts like a hormone on the body and so can have a direct impact on your mental and physical health as well as your fertility. A 2018 Meta Analysis showed that women lower vitamin D levels had a trend towards lower clinical pregnancy rates.

There are 3 simple steps you can take to make sure your Vitamin D levels are supporting your chance of concpetion and your future baby’s health.

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Your Mental Wellbeing As a Mum

The mental health of all mothers is really important to me. One group of mum’s that I work with is women who have struggled with fertility. Often these women don’t feel like they “should” or “be allowed” to have any issues with their mental health during or after pregnancy. They wanted their baby so badly how could they possibly be struggling now that their baby is here. This is just not the case. You can love your baby, have wanted it with all your might, spent all your $$ and given years of your life to create your little one and you can still find it hard after your baby arrives.

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Chinese Medicine for Your Fertility and Pregnancy

As a Naturopath, I use Western herbal medicine along with Diet, Nutritional Supplementation and lifestyle modifications to help you. But a really common approach that I take with many patients is to recommend they see an Acupuncturist too.

I took the opportunity to sit down with Sarah George, an acupuncturist from Launceston, that I work closesly with, to learn more about how chinese medicine approaches fertility and pregnancy care.

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Breastfeeding in 2020

Right now, I think women are feeling worried and fearful about what having their baby looks like. Hospital policies are changing for antenatal appointments, birthing practices are changing especially around the number of support people and visitors and so I think it’s natural that some women are also questioning breastfeeding. To help you prepare for a really healthy breastfeeding journey I spoke to Amberley Harris of Maternal Instincts by Amberley.

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What 7 Weeks on Hospital Bedrest Taught Me

5 years ago, when I was pregnant with the twins, I ended up spending 7 weeks on hospital bed rest 4 hours away from my husband, 2 yr old Hattie, my family and my life. I look back and realise in some ways it is similar to what people are experiencing right now during this pandemic. I’ve put together a list of the 7 things that helped me during that time.

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